Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Go The F**k to Sleep by Adam Mansbach and Ricardo Cortez

Go The F**k to Sleep by Adam Mansbach and Ricardo Cortez is delight for weary parents everywhere.

Every parent who has ever gone through the trauma of having a child or children who will not go to sleep after being put to bed or having a story read to them, will strongly identify with every word written here, and it may may raise a chortle or two.

A must read, this book is unputdownable, easy to read and beautiful illustrated throughout by artist Ricardo Cortez.

For parents of a gentle disposition and who don't like swear words, don't read as the book is peppered throughout.

However, as most of us have at some point in our lives have felt the difficulties and frustrations of having a child who uses every ingenious excuse in the book not to go to sleep, we can empathize with every event and every saying throughout Go the F**k to Sleep which will not only make us smile, it will make any future parenting that bit easier having read this books first.