Friday, August 19, 2011

Crossing The Bridge by Michael Baron

Crossing The Bridge is a character-driven tale of human interaction and relationships more than a romance novel, by Michael Baron.

Hugh Penders has spent 10 years of his life wandering since the tragic death of his brother Chase, in a car crash.

Hugh feels guilty, as he believes he could have prevented the accident, plus he had been in love with his brother's girlfriend, Iris, at the time of the accident.

When his father suffers a heart attack, he returns home to the small town he grew up in, and finds a new lease of life.

One day on the street he bumps into Iris who had moved away after the accident too, and their love affair is rekindled.

Described as slow moving and lazy-paced, Crossing The Bridge is an in-depth study of human characters that is beautifully written and well worth reading.